4 Reasons to Have a First Look On Your Wedding Day | Tucson Wedding Photographer

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4 Reasons to Have a First Look On Your Wedding Day | Tucson Wedding Photographer

A first look can be such a wonderful, emotional addition to your intimate wedding or elopement.

If you haven’t heard of this before (honestly, I hadn’t until I joined the wedding industry!), it’s simple: you and your partner meet up and share a moment alone before the ceremony. Sounds nice, eh? Honestly, I’m a big fan. Here are a few reasons to consider having a first look on your wedding day:

First Look on Your Wedding Day Reason #1
You want to share personal vows

There are several reasons why some couples opt to write personal vows and only share them with each other before the ceremony. They may be having a religious or otherwise straightforward repeat-after-me type ceremony that doesn’t really make room for personal vows. But also, probably more importantly, they may just have very personal, emotional things to say to each other that they’d rather keep just for each other, and not for their guests. If you are having guests at your wedding and don’t want to share your super personal vows in front of them, a first look is a great option for you.

First Look on Your Wedding Day Reason #2
To ease each others’ nerves

Let’s be honest. You will probably be pretty jittery right before your wedding ceremony. It’s normal! If you’re a more nervous person and the idea of shaking uncontrollably while walking down the aisle (like I’m sure I would) doesn’t appeal to you, a first look could be just the thing you need.

Who calms your nerves better than anyone else? Proooobably your partner! Being able to lay eyes on each other and give each other some words of encouragement before starting your ceremony could make a huge difference. Then you’ll walk down that aisle like you own the damn thing. 😎

First Look on Your Wedding Day Reason #3
To have a quiet moment alone before the craziness

If you are having a lot of guests at your wedding, or honestly, even just a few, it can become stressful trying to navigate the crowd and the attention you’re getting from everyone. Doesn’t it sound nice to take a moment before the craziness to just be with your partner? To not have to share them with anyone else? To have a moment of your wedding day that’s just the two of you? Of course, I’d be there, but I wouldn’t be intruding or telling you what to do. This is just a moment for you two to take each other in and share a moment alone before really jumping into the day.

First Look on Your Wedding Day Reason #4
It can be helpful for your photography timeline

Now, this isn’t a reason to have one if it’s really important to you NOT to. But if it’s neither here nor there for you, then it can be a big help. Post-ceremony can often be a whirlwind, and not gonna lie, most couples are starving by the time their ceremony is over, BUT they still have to take family photos and portraits and blah blah blah. As opposed to pre-ceremony, which is often moving a lot slower.

Having a first look, apart from all the other great reasons, is a great opportunity to knock out some of your couple portraits, so it doesn’t have to take up so much time on the other end! This is also especially helpful if you’re having a sunset ceremony - rushing around immediately after the ceremony to use the remaining light isn’t always fun!

Book your intimate wedding or elopement!

Take a look at this wedding with a cute first look!