Anniversary Session in Yosemite National Park | Yosemite Engagement Photographer

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Anniversary Session in Yosemite National Park | Yosemite Engagement Photographer

Autumn & Spencer

WELP. I saw Yosemite. And holy shit, was it a sight. I know I talk about my Midwestern heart a lot, but it truly did explode upon seeing these incredible, ancient, somehow NATURAL granite formations. I didn’t even go up high this time around, I was just in the valley for a few hours, but that was enough. For now, at least. I need to go back and truly explore what this park has to offer someday soon. Also, not to mention, it’s the middle of fall and the trees in the valley were absolutely stunning. AND the sunset really came in clutch. πŸ‘Œ

I know Autumn from a workshop we both attended earlier in the year (PS, she is also a bomb photographer). When I asked if she and her husband, Spencer, wanted to meet me in Yosemite when I stopped by on my California roadtrip, they were all for it. And they just happened to be celebrating their 3rd wedding anniversary a few days before! So it all lined up quite nicely. We mainly met up so that they could be elopement models for me (see that blog post here), but we threw in a separate non-wedding session while we were at it! Might as well use the little time we had in Yosemite to its fullest potential!

When we were done at Yosemite, we drove back to their home in Modesto, ate burritos, and edited together until I had to head to my next roadtrip stop the next afternoon (I guess we slept in there somewhere too). Love these two goobs. Just look how cute they are!!! Here’s to 50 more anniversaries!

CouplesLucy BoumanComment